ویژگی‏های کیفیت دانه و رئولوژیکی خمیر وگروه ‏بندی برخی ارقام تجاری گندم نان (.Triticum aestivum L) آبی بر اساس فرآورده های نهایی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استاد، موسسسه تحقیقات اصلاح و تهیه نهال و بذر، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، کرج، ایران.

2 استادیار، موسسسه تحقیقات اصلاح و تهیه نهال و بذر، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، کرج، ایران.

3 دانشیار، بخش تحقیقات فنی و مهندسی کشاورزی، مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان خراسان رضوی، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، مشهد، ایران.

4 استادیار، بخش تحقیقات علوم زراعی و باغی، مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان گلستان، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی گرگان، ایران.


گروه‏بندی ارقام تجاری گندم نان به منظور تولید فراورده های پختی با کیفیت یکنواخت و قابل قبول برای مصرف کننده، برای شناخت کافی از دانه گندم های تولیدی در اقلیم‏های کشاورزی متفاوت کشور و همچنین خصوصیات نانوایی و پتانسیل ژنتیکی کیفیت دانه انجام می‏شود. از این‏رو هدف از انجام این پژوهش بررسی خصوصیات کیفیت دانه از جمله ارزیابی کمیت و کیفیت پروتئین و گلوتن موجود در ارقام و همچنین ویژگی‏های رئولوژیک خمیر (خصوصیات فارینوگراف و اکستنسوگراف) 22 رقم تجاری گندم نان آبی جمع‏آوری شده از 30 استان در سال 96-1395 و گروه‏بندی آن‏ها بر اساس کیفیت فرآورده نهایی تولیدی متنوع در صنعت نانوایی و قنادی بود. در این بررسی بیشترین و کمترین میزان پروتئین دانه به‏ترتیب برای رقم مهرگان و اروم با 12/7و 11/4درصد ثبت شد. همچنین بررسی کیفیت پروتئین نیز نشان داد که میزان گلوتن مرطوب در دامنه 20/5درصد برای رقم سیستان و 30/9درصد برای رقم گنبد، حجم رسوب زلنی در دامنه 18/9میلی لیتر برای رقم ارگ و 25/5میلی‏لیتر برای رقم مهرگان و ارتفاع رسوب SDS در دامنه 51/3میلی متر برای رقم سیوند و 69/6میلی‏متر برای رقم مهرگان متغیر بود که تأثیر آن بر ویژگی های رئولوژیک خمیر مشاهده شد. به‏طوری که خمیر تهیه شده از ارقام مهرگان (15/5دقیقه)، سایسونز (10/3دقیقه) و چمران 2 (10/1دقیقه) از مقاومت بالاتر و ارقام اروم با 1/3دقیقه و سیستان با دو دقیقه از مقاومت کمتر خمیر در آزمون فارینوگراف برخوردار بودند. نتایج مشابه در آزمون اکستنسوگراف نیز مشاهده شد و ارقام گندم نان مهرگان و سایسونز در گروه نیمه قوی قرار گرفتند. در مقابل ارقام اروم، احسان و حیدری کمترین مقادیر انرژی خمیر را بخود اختصاص دادند. در نهایت با توجه به نتایج به‏دست آمده از خصوصیات عادت رشد، رنگ بذر، سختی دانه، میزان پروتئین، صفات مرتبط با فارینوگراف و اکستنسوگراف، گروه‏بندی ارقام تجاری گندم بر اساس فرآورده های نهایی آنها در چهار گروه، نان‏های حجیم (صنعتی) و مناسب برای اختلاط با آردهای ضعیف‏تر، نان‏های نیمه حجیم، نان‏های مسطح (ایرانی)، شیرینی، کیک، کلوچه و صنایع مرتبط با آنها انجام شد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Grain Quality and Dough Rheological Properties and Branding of Some Irrigated Commercial Bread Wheat (Triticum aestvum L.) Cultivars Based on the End-Use Products

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. Esmaeilzadeh 1
  • F. Naghipour 2
  • M. Ghiafeh Davoodi 3
  • S. Bagherikia 4
1 Professor, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization. Karaj, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization. Karaj, Iran.
3 Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization Mashhad, Iran.
4 Assistant Professor, Field and Horticulture Crops Science Research Department, Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Gorgan, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Branding of commercial bread wheat cultivars for producing baking products with uniform and acceptable quality by cconsumers is related to sufficient knowledge of different environmental conditions of whaet growing areas in Iran, as well as baking quality properties of grain and dough. Therefore, the aim of this research wwas to investigate grain and dough rheological quality properties including quantity and quality of protein and gluten of the grain samples as well as farinograph and extensograph characteristics and grouping based on various products in the baking industry of 22 irrigated commercial bread wheat cultivars collected from 30 provinces in Iran in 2015-2016. The results showed that the highest and lowest grain protein content was recorded for cv. Mehregan and cv. Uroum with 12.7% and 11.4%, respectively. The wet gluten varied from 20.5% (cv. Sisatan) to 30.9% (cv. Gonbad), zeleny sedimentation value ranged from 18.9 ml (cv. Arg) to 25.5 ml (cv. Mehregan), and SDS sedimentation height varied from 51.3 mm (cv. Sivand) 69.6 mm (cv. Mehregan). The dough prepared from cv. Mehregan (15.5 minutes), Soissons (10.3 minutes) and Chamran 2 (10.1 minutes) showed high dough stability, respectively. The lowest dough stability, among the examined cultivars, was related to cv. Uroum (1.3 minutes) and Sistan (0.2 minutes), respectively. Similar results were observed in extensograph test, cv. Mehregan and cv. Soissons were identified as semi-strong, while cv. Uroum, cv. Ehsan and cv. Heydari had the lowest dough energy. Finally, according to the results of this research some characteristics as growth habit, grain colour, grain hardness, grain protein content, farinograph and extensograph, the studied irrigated commercial bread wheat cultivars were grouped based on end-use products, in four groups, Voluminous breads (industrial breads) and suitable for blending with weaker flours, semi-voluminous breads, flat breads (Iranian breads) and confectionary, cakes, cookies and related industries.
Keywords: Bread wheat, Genotype, Farinogrph, Extensograph, Dough stability, Grain protein content.
The definition of the word quality for agricultural commodity such as wheat includes different dimensions. In fact, the correct concept of quality for wheat is usually judged through its suitability for a specific product (Jasemi et al., 2017). One of the most important approches for evaluating the quality properties of wheat’s grain and flour is rheological characteristics of dough. The rheological properties of the dough not only determine the efficiency of the dough during different stages of fermentation and production process.
Yang et al. (2014) investigated the rheological properties of the flour obtained from 330 of Chinese wheat varieties and reported that the rheological properties of dough had a high correlation with zeleny sedimentation value. Esmaielzadeh Moghadam et al. (2017) investigated the genetic diversity for high- and low-molecular weight glutenin subunits in local and commercial bread wheat cultivars released since 1951 in Iran and reported that integration of desirable subunits at Glu-1 such as 1, 7+8, 5+10, must be incorporated in breeding lines developed in the national bread wheat breeding programs which will lead to the improvement of gluten quality of grain. Therefore, the main objective of this research was grouping different irrigated commercial bread wheat cultivars grown in Iran based on end-ues products.
Material and Methods
This research was carried out in 2015-2016 cropping season using grain samples collected form certified multiplication fields of 22 irrigated commercial bread wheat cultivars in 30 different provinces in Iran. The reason for collection of grain samples from certified seed multiplication fields was to ensure that optimal agronomic practices was implemented by farmers in such fields. By collecting samples from the certified seed fields, the influence of soil fertility variation was minimized on grain of irrigated commercial bread wheat cultivars collected from each province. The collected samples were transferred to the cereal chemistry and technology laboratory of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute in Karaj, Iran. The evaluated quality properties included; grain protein content, grain hardness, wet gluten content, gluten index, zeleny value, SDS sedimentation height. Evaluate rheological properties included; farinography and extensography tests.
Results and Discussion
The results showed the highest and lowest grain protein content was measured and recorded for cv. Mehregan and cv. Uroum cultivars with 12.7 and 11.4%, respectively. The wet gluten varied from 20.5% (cv. Sisatan) to 30.9% (cv. Gonbad), zeleny sedimentation value ranged from 18.9 ml (cv. Arg) to 25.5 ml (cv. Mehregan), and SDS sedimentation height varied from 51.3 mm (cv. Sivand) 69.6 mm (cv. Mehregan). The dough prepared from cv. Mehregan (15.5 minutes), Soissons (10.3 minutes) and Chamran 2 (10.1 minutes) had high dough stability, respectively. The lowest dough stability, among the examined cultivars, was related to cv. Uroum (1.3 minutes) and Sistan (0.2 minutes), respectively. Similar results were observed in extensograph test, cv. Mehregan and cv. Soissons were identified as semi-strong, while cv. Uroum, cv. Ehsan and cv. Heydari had the lowest dough energy.
Rheological properties determined by farinography and extensography test showed that the relationship between grain protein content with dough extensibility and dough energy was strong and significant (r = 0.52* and r = 0.474*, respectively). Zeleny number had a positive and significant correlation with dough extensibility (r = 0.477*) and dough energy (r = 0.474*).  According to the information reviewed from other countries and the results of this research and considering end-use products, some characteristics as growth habit, grain colour, grain hardness, grain protein content and rheological properties related to farinography and extensography were used for grouping of irrigated commercial bread wheat cultivars grown in Iran.
Grouping of these irrigated bread wheat commercial cultivars in Iran based on important quality properties such as those studied and reported in this research will help the decision makers and managers of the agricultural sector as well as the experts of the flour and bakery industries to choose grain of right irrigated bread wheat cultivars.
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