سازکارهای مقاومت به زنجره مو (Psalmocharias alhageos) در چهار پایه تاک

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری، گروه علوم باغبانی و زراعی، دانشکده کشاورزی و صنایع غذایی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران.

2 دانشیار، گروه فیزیولوژی و فناوری پس از برداشت، پژوهشکده میوه های معتدله و سردسیری، موسسه تحقیقات علوم باغبانی، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، کرج، ایران.

3 دانشیار ، بخش تحقیقات گیاهپزشکی، مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان قزوین، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، قزوین، ایران.

4 استادیار، گروه علوم باغبانی و زراعی، دانشکده کشاورزی و صنایع غذایی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران.


زنجره مو(Psalmocharias alhageos)  یکی از آفات مهم تاک است که در ایران، افغانستان، نواحی جنوبی روسیه، ترکیه و عراق فعالیت دارد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تعیین سازکارهای مقاومت به زنجره مو در چهار پایه تاک اسپوتا، ناظمیه،Kober 5BB  و CH1 بود. این پژوهش در قالب طرح بلوک­های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار و سه اصله تاک در هر واحد آزمایشی از سال 1400 تا سال 1402 در ایستگاه تحقیقات انگور تاکستان اجرا شد. شاخه‌های تخم ریزی شده زنجره جمع‌آوری و به تعداد پنج شاخه در کنار هر اصله تاک قرار داده شد تا پس از تفریخ در منطقه ریشه مستقر شوند. از سال سوم منطقه ریشه هرکدام از تاک‌ها از نظر وجود پوره‌های سن دو تا سه زنجره در پاییز ارزیابی شدند. همچنین میزان فنل کل، ضخامت لایه‌های ریشه، تشکیل لایه چوب‌پنبه‌ای و تایلوز در ریشه ثبت شد. بیشترین میزان تراکم جمعیت پوره در ریشه پایه‌های اسپوتا (6/1درصد) و ناظمیه (5/8درصد) مشاهده شد و در پایه Kober 5BB تراکم جمعیت پوره آفت بسیارکم و ناچیز (فقط چند پوره) بود. در هیچکدام از پایه های مورد بررسی، علائم موجود در اندام هوایی (مانند تأخیر در جوانه زنی، کاهش رشد و کوچک ماندن برگ) ناشی از آلودگی به زنجره مشاهده نشد. بیشترین میزان فنل به ترتیب در پایه CH1 (4/86میلی‌گرم بر گرم وزن خشک) و کمترین آن نیز در پایه ناظمیه (3/1میلی‌گرم بر گرم وزن خشک) ثبت شد. بیشترین و کمترین میزان کورتکس ریشه به ترتیب در پایه‌های اسپوتا (22/39میکرومتر) و CH1 (16/3میکرومتر) مشاهده گردید. بیشترین میزان مجرای آوندی ریشه در پایه CH1 (72/6میکرومتر) بدست آمد که با میزان مجرای آوندی ریشه در پایه Kober 5BB (70/8میکرومتر) تفاوت معنی­دار نداشت. در کلیه پایه‌های مورد بررسی تایلوز مشاهده نشد، ولی بافت چوب پنبه­ای در کلیه پایه‌ها وجود داشت. با توجه به اینکه در پایه Kober 5BB پوره‌های زنجره (بجز چند پوره) نتوانستند بر روی ریشه آن مستقر شوند و تغذیه کنند، بنابراین مقاومت این پایه از نوع آنتی‌بیوز بود. ولی در پایه­های ناظمیه، اسپوتا و CH1، پوره های آفت زنجره بر روی ریشه آنها مستقر و از ریشه آن‌ها تغذیه کردند ولی هیچ‌گونه عوارضی را نشان ندادند، مقاومت آنها از نوع تحمل بود.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Resistance Mechanisms to Vine Cicada (Psalmocharias alhageos) in Four Grapevine Rootstocks

نویسندگان [English]

  • A. Ardjmand 1
  • V. Rasoli 2
  • B. Gharali 3
  • V. Abdossi 4
  • R. Ebrahimi 4
1 Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Horticultural Science and Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Associate Professor, Temperate Fruit Research Center, Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Karaj, Iran.
3 Associate Professor, Plant Pathology Department, Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Qazvin, Iran.
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Science and Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Vine cicada (Psalmocharias alhageos) is one of the important pests of grapevines that is existing in Iran, Afghanistan, southern regions of Russia, Turkey and Iraq. The aim of the present research was to determine the resistance mechanisms to vine cicada in four grapevine rootstocks, Spoota, Nazemiyeh, Kober 5BB, and CH1. This research was carried out using randomized complete block design with three replications and three vines in each experimental unit at the Takestan grapevine research station from 2021 to 2023. The highest pest establishment was observed in the roots of Spoota (6.1%) and Nazemiyeh (5.8%) rootstocks. The highest total phenol was recorded in CH1 rootstock (4.86 mg gDW-1) and the lowest in Nazemiyeh rootstock (3.1 mg gDW-1). The highest root vascular cylinder was belonged to CH1 rootstock (72.6 μm). Considering that the cicada nymphs could not establish (only few nymphs) on the root of the Kober 5BB rootstock, therefore, the resistance mechanism in this grapevine rootstock was antibiosis. However, in the Nazimiya, Spoota and CH1 rootstocks, the cicada was established and fed from their roots, but they did not show any stagnating growth, therefore, the resistance mechanism in these rootstocks identified as tolerance.
Keywords: Grapevine, resistance, tolerance, biological control, antibiosis.

Vine cicada (Psalmocharias alhageos) is one of the important soil-borne pests of vines that is exisiting in Iran, Afghanistan, southern regions of Russia, Turkey and Iraq (Esmaeili, 1991). In addition to the grapevine, this pest also damages temperate fruit trees and causes the stagnating growth and eventually the vine dries up (Babaei, 1967). The main damage of this insect pest is associated to the long-term feeding of the nymphs from the sap of the vine roots. Due to the specific biological behavior of this pest, there is still no effective practical method to prevent and reduce the cicada’s damage. Chemical control methods have not been very successful (Valizadeh and Farazmand, 2009). Using resistant rootstock is the most reliable approach to control vine cicada. The aim of the present research was to determine the mechanisms of resistance to vine cicada resistance in four grapevine rootstock, Spoota, Nazemiyeh, Kober 5BB, and CH1.
Materials and Methods
This research was carried out using randomized complete block design with three replications and three vines in each experimental unit at the Takestan grapevine research station from 2021 to 2023. Spawned branches with the vine cicada were collected and five branches were placed next to each vine stem to facilitate the establishment of nymphs in the root zone after hatching. Also, the amount of total phenolic compounds, the thickness of the root layers, the formation of the cottonwood layer, and tylose were recorded in the root. From the third year, the root zone of each vine was inspected for the presence of the cicada nymphs aged 2 to 3 in autumn. Also, the total phenolic compounds, the thickness of the root layers, the formation of the cottonwood layer, and tylose were measure and recorded in the root. Analysis of variance performed for the collected data using SPSS ver. 26. Mean comparison was done using Tukey test at the 5% probability level. Pearson correlation employed to study the relationship between the quantitative traits.
Results and Discussion
The highest cicada nymph establishment was observed in the roots of Spoota (6.1%) and Nazemiyeh (5.8%) rootstocks, and very low pest nymphs establishment (only few nymphs) was observed in Kober 5BB rootstock. Symptoms in aerial organs (such as delay in germination, reduced growth and small leaves) caused by cicada infection were not observed in none of the evaluated rootstocks. Alexandrov (2016) also reported that high establishment of phylloxera pest was the effective criteria for selecting resistant plants.
The highest total phenol was recorded in CH1 rootstock (4.86 mg gDW-1) and the lowest in Nazemiyeh rootstock (3.1 mg gDW-1). The highest and lowest of root cortex thickness was observed in Spoota (22.39 μm) and CH1 (16.3 μm) rootstocks, respectively. The highest and lowest of root cortex thickness was observed in Spoota (22.39 μm) and CH1 (16.3 μm) rootstocks, respectively.
The highest root vascular cylinder was belonged to CH1 rootstock (72.6 μm), which had no significant difference with root vascular cylinder in Kober 5BB rootstock (70.8 μm). No tylose was observed in all investigated rootstocks, but cork texture was observed in all rootstocks., Pegard et al. (2005) in the investigation of resistance to root-knot nematode in Capsicum annuum cv. CM334 pepper, reported that due to the high thickness of the epidermis and cortex in the cv. CM334, the nematode in the cortex layer stopped and was not able to penetrate into the vascular zone of the root cylinder.
Considering that the cicada nymphs could not establish (only few nymphs) on the root of the Kober 5BB rootstock, therefore, the resistance mechanism in this grapevine rootstock was antibiosis. However, in the Nazimiya, Spoota and CH1 rootstocks, the cicada was established and fed from their roots, but they did not show any side effects, therefore, the resistance mechanism in these rootstocks could be referred to as tolerance.
Babaei, H. 1967. Vine cicada, Cicadatra ochreata Melichar. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, 27, pp.69-97.
Esmaeili, M. 1991. Fruit trees important pests. Sepehr Press, Iran. 578 pp. (in Persian). 
Pegard, A., Brizzard, G., Fazari, A., Soucaze, O., Abad, P. and DjianCaporalino, C. 2005. Histological characterization of resistance to different root-knot nematode species related to phenolics accumulation in Capsicum annuum. Phytopathology, 95, pp.158-65. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-95-0158.
Valizadeh, H. and Farazmand, H. 2009. Study on the efficacy of different control methods of vine cicada, Psalmocharias alhageos (Hem., Cicadidae) in Qom province. Journal of Entomological Research, 1(3), pp.261-268 (in Persian).

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Grapevine
  • resistance
  • tolerance
  • biological control
  • antibiosis
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