Statistical Information from Volume 16, 1990
Number of Volumes 25
Number of Issues 95
Number of Articles 904
Number of Contributors 2,038
Article View 283,358
PDF Download 183,922
View Per Article 313.45
PDF Download Per Article 203.45
Statistical Information Since System Has Been Activated
Number of Submissions 1,111
Rejected Submissions 170
Rejection Rate 15
Accepted Submissions 806
Acceptance Rate 73
Number of Indexing Databases 14
Number of Reviewers 159

The Seed and Plant with more than 40 years history is a prestigious peer reviewed agricultural sciences publications in Iran, and is highly respected and popular among faculty members and rank and tenure committees of universities and agricultural research institutions as well as postgraduate students. The Seed and Plant is an open access and peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to the theoretical and empirical articles in the fields of plant breeding and genetics, biotechnology, agronomy and physiology of field crops, horticultural crops, and medicinal plants. Papers are subject to a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument. This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.

Articles which were presented in the national or international conferences and congresses and their abstracts published in the relevant proceedings are accepted for evaluation and review, should the contents be developed and completed the standards and formats of the Seed and Plant. Scientific short articles/reports, review and research papers would also be accepted and published.


The journal was established by Seed and Plant Improvement Institute. The submitted papers will be published after review as well as the approval of the editorial board. The honorable professors and researchers are highly appreciated if they visit this site, register, submit and set up their papers based on the authors' guidelines. Therefore, visiting in person or calling the journal office is not recommended, so all connections with authors and reviewers are done through the website. (Read More...)


Bibliographic Information

Current Issue: Volume 40, Issue 1, April 2024 

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