General Combining Ability And Gene Effects Of Sunflower New Restorer Lines



At the recent years, many sunflower restorer lines (Rf-lines) have been derived from exotic sunflower hybrids in Seed and Plant Improvement Institute at Karaj. Twenty four of these new Rf-lines (Resistant to Plasmopara halstedii), were crossed with three testers at the Oilseed Crops Research Department. Sixty hybrid combinations were evaluated in replicated field trials to estimate the general combining ability (GCA), and the gene effects. Analysis of the general combining ability for the grain yield and seed oil content showed that R-43, R-72, R-82, R-217, R-231, R-256, R-103, R-87, R-55 and R-45 for grain yield and R-43, R-256, R-46, R-87 and R-45 for oil seed content had high GCA values. Evaluation of gene effects indicated the involvement of additive and nonadditive effects for plant height, growth duration, head diameter, 1000 seed weight, grain yield and merely additive effect for seed oil content.
