Evaluation of Salinity Tolerance in Six Olive (Olea europaea L.) Genotypes in Controlled Environment


Temperate Fruit Research Center, Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Karaj, Iran.


Limitation of water resources and salinity of water and soil are important factors in the development of olive cultivation and production. Therefore, it is very important to select and introduce salinity tolerant olive cultivars. This study was carried out using six olive cultivars and promising genotypes (Conservolia, Koroneiki, Amin, D1, Ds8 and Ozineh2) and three salinity treatment (0, 50, 200 mMl-1 NaCl) as factorial experiment in completely randomized design with three replications in controlled environment. The results showed that with increasing salinity, the Na+ content increased in roots, stems and leaves tissues. The concentration of Na+, Cl- and K+ in these tissues was affected by salinity levels and olive genotypes. As the salt concentration increased, the potassium content and K+/Na+ ratio significantly decreased in roots, stems and leaves tissues. Transfer of Cl- from root to stem and leaves in susceptible cultivars and genotypes was higher than in tolerant genotypes. Cultivar Conservolia and genotypes and D1 genotype had the lowest leaf area. Salt injury index of showed that cv. Amin and Ds8 genotype had no injury symptom. However cv. Conservolia and D1 genotype showed the greatest injury symptoms by salinity stress. According to the results of this research, cv. Amin and Ds8 genotype were identified as tolerant, Ozineh2 promising genotype relatively susceptible, cv. Koroneiki as susceptible, and cv. Conservolia and D1 genotype as very susceptible to salt stress.


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