Reaction of Irrigated Wheat Commercial Cultivars and Candidate Lines of Iran to Bacterial Leaf Streak Disease


1 Cereal Research Department, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Karaj, Alborz, Iran

2 Broujerd Agricultural Research Station, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization Broujerd, Iran.


Bacterial leaf streak of wheat caused by Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa is one of the most important diseases of wheat which has threatened wheat production in some regions in Iran in recent years. Considering the importance of the disease in the country and lack of information about reaction of wheat cultivars and candidate lines of Iran to the disease, the reaction of 113 wheat commercial cultivars and candidate lines from the national irrigated wheat breeding programs of Iran were evaluated under high natural disease pressure at agricultural research station of Boroujerd, Lorestan, Iran, in 2017-18 cropping cycle. The results showed that all wheat commercial cultivars and candidate lines were susceptible to the disease with scores varied from 71 to 99 based on a 00-99 scale. Ten commercial cultivars including Parsi, Setareh, Meraj, Kalateh, Tirgan, Ehsan, Gonbad, Morvarid, Darya, and Narin, and six candidate lines including M-93-11, S-94-7, S-94-12, S-94-22, N-94-8, and MS-93-3 were rated highly susceptible with scores from 94 to 99. The present study, which is the latest and most recent evaluation on the reaction of wheat to bacterial leaf streak in Iran, may open a window for further research and development of resistan wheat cultivars to the disease.


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Eyal, Z., Scharen, A.L., Prescott, J.M., and Van Ginkel, M. 1987. The septoria diseases of wheat: concepts and methods of disease management. Mexico, DF., CIMMYT. 52 pp. Kandel, Y. R., Glover, K. D., Tande, C. A., and Osborne, L. E. 2012. Evaluation of spring wheat genotypes for resistance to bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. translucens. Plant Disease 96: 1743-1748. Milus, E. A., and Chalkley, D. B. 1994. Virulence of Xanthomonas campestris pv. translucens on selected wheat genotypes. Plant Disease 78: 612-615. Razi Nataj, M., Aghajani, M.A., and Zand, S. 2010. Bacterial leaf blight and black chaff in Golestan. pp. 423. In: proceedings of the 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Tehran, Iran. Saari, E. E., and Prescott, J. M. 1975. A scale for appraising the foliar intensity of wheat diseases. Plant Disease Reporter 59: 377-380. Sapkota, S. 2015. Identification and Genomic Mapping of Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Streak in Wheat. M.Sc. thesis. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. Tillman, B. L., Harrison, S. A., Clark, C. A., Milus, E. A., and Russin, J. S. 1996. Evaluation of bread wheat germplasm for resistance to bacterial streak. Crop Science 36: 1063-1068. Zakeri, Z., and Al-e-Agha, N. 1986. Isolation of Xanthomonas translucens from barley local cultivars in Sistan. pp. 108. In: proceedings of the 8th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Isfahan, Iran.