Evaluation of Fruit Characteristic in some Olive Cultivars in Fasa


1 Univercity Tarbiat Modares

2 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources and Education Center

4 Horticultural Research Institute


Due to the extension of olive cultivation in Fars province, in the recent years some cultivars cultivated by the gardeners have encountered with the problem of low productivity. This study was carried out in Fasa, Fars province for two years to examine the adaptability of eighteen imported and local oil cultivars, using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Various olive fruit characteristics such as fruit set, ripening index, oil contents in fresh and dry fruit weight, fruit weight and pulp/stone ratio were assessed in five years old trees. The results indicated that in two years Leccino and I-77 cultivars produced the highest percentages of fruit set. Crolea and Moraielo cultivars with 49.81% and 49.6% in 2011, and Nechara and Leccino with 49.81 % and 49.52% in 2012, respectively, had higher oil contents in dry fruit weight compared to the other cultivars. Based on the results of this study, some cultivars such as Hojiblanca, I-79, Rya Sebibna, Nechara, Pendolino, Ceratinia, Leccino and Corolea showing better characteristics, can be recommended for cultivation and be replaced by low yielding cultivars in these areas after complimentary investigation.


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