Adaptation and Seed Yield Stability of Advanced Lentil Lines Under Cold Dryland Conditions of Iran



To evaluate the genotype environmental interaction and determine seed yield stability and adaptability of dryland promising lentil genotypes, this study was conducted during three cropping seasons (2011-2013) in three regions of cold dryland areas including Zanjan, Maragheh and Ardebil. Experiments consisted of 12 promising lentil genotypes with a check cultivar arranged in randomized complete blocks design with four replications. Combined analysis of variance was done for three years in three locations. Lin and Binns parameter, coefficient of variation of seed yield and ranking method were used for determination of the stable genotypes. Results showed that year, location, genotype and interactions of year × location, location × genotype, year × genotype and year × location × genotype were significant (p<0.001). The highest and least seed were obtained in Ardebil (714.36 kgha-1) and Zanjan (298.78 kgha-1) stations, respectively. Genotypes No. 1 (Flip96-59L), 3 (Flip05-58L) and 6 (Flip04-31L) with seed yield of 520.87, 505.90 and 504.17 kgha-1, respectively were better than check and other genotypes. Regarding to the seed yield and other agronomic traits, genotype No.1 had the lowest R and SDR and had higher seed yield (stable). Genotype No. 6 had the lowest environmental variance, CV and R and genotype No. 3 had the lowest SDR(stable).


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