Selected Lines from Iranian Eggplant Landraces in Advanced Yield Trails



In the present study, twenty two selected lines from eleven Iranian eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) landraces along with Varamin landrace, as control, were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications in three locations (Karaj, Varamin and Dezful). Sum of yield and marketing score for each line was recorded. Analysis of variance for yield showed significant differences among lines in all locations. Combined analysis also showed high significant differences for lines, locations and interaction of line × location. Line V44 with 39.4 tha-1 produced the highest yield and had a very good marketing score, while line B60 with 26.8 tha-1 produced the lowest yield. Based on these results, twelve lines D1, D7, D13, SH2, SH12, N12, N61, Y3, Y9, B29, V44 and B130 were selected for yield adaptability and stability traits..
