Zareh, A New Bread Wheat Cultivar for Irrigated and Post-Anthesis Drought Stress Conditions in Cold Regions of Iran



Zareh was primarily received as an introduction wheat within the Winter Wheat Observation Nursery for Irrigated Areas (WWON-IR) with pedigree of 130L1.11//F35.70/Mo73/4/Ymh/Tob//Mcd/3/Lira from CIMMYT-Turkey in 2001-02 cropping season. Zareh was tested as C-83-8 in yield trials under normal irrigation and post-anthesis drought stress conditions in cold regions of Iran. It outyielded Shahryar (national check cultivar) under normal irrigation (7550 vs. 7254 kgha-1) and post-anthesis drought stress conditions (4893 vs. 4328 kgha-1), so it is recommended for cultivation under both conditions. Zareh is a winter wheat with red kernel. Its average height is 98 cm and it is resistant to the yellow rust. Its average thousand kernel weight under normal irrigation and drought condition was 40 and 31 gram, respectively. Zareh has grains with average protein and gluten content of 11.4% and 31.5%, respectively. Zareh was officially released in September 2010 for cultivation in cold regions of Iran with post-anthesis drought stress conditions