Grain Yield Stability and Adaptability of Bread Wheat Genotypes Using Different Stability Indices under Salinity Stress Conditions



To study genotype × environment interaction and determine the stability and adaptability of grain yield of bread wheat under salinity stress conditions in temperate zone areas of Iran, field experiments were conducted with 17 new advanced bread wheat lines together with three salinity tolerant checks cultivars Roshan, Kavir and Bam, using randomized complete block design with three replications under salinity stress conditions( EcSoil =8-14 ds/m, EcWater =8-12 ds/m). Experiments were carried out in three experimental stations in Yazd, Birjand and Isfahan during 2005-06 and 2006-07 cropping seasons. Combined analysis of variance for grain yield showed significant differences among the genotypes (P < 0.05). The location × year and genotype × year and genotype × location × year interactions were also significant (P < 0.01). Analysis of different stability parameter revealed that lines MS-81-14, MS-81-4, MS-81-3 and MS-81-5 were more high yielding and stable genotypes with good adaptability to salinity stressed conditions, among them line MS-81-14 with average grain yield of 5.470 tha-1,YS=23, R=3.42, SDR=4.609 , R2 =97.4%, non-significant stability variance ( σ i2), low Wricke's ecovalance(Wi) and also with good adaptability and agronomic chacteristics was identified as the most high yielding and stable genotype.  
