Study Of Adaptability And Stability Of Grain Yield Of Bread Wheat Genotypes In Cold And Moderate-Colddryland Areas



To study the stability and adaptability of grain yield of advanced bread wheat genotypes in cold and moderate-cold dryland areas, 16 adanced genotypes were evaluated in Maragheh, sararood, kordestan, Ilam, Zanjan, Shirvan, Orumieh and Ardebil Experimental Stations in 1998 to 2001 cropping seasons. The experimental design in all the locations was randomized complete block design with four replications. In each location simple and combined analysis of variance were implemented. Based on homogeneity of error variances, combined analysis of variance was done over locations and years. Results showed that interaction effect of genotype × year × location was significatn at 1% probability level. A significant difference was also found among the genotypes, and genotypes No. 4(Azar 2) and No. 10(sbn/ 1-64-199) with 1635 and 1597 kgha^-1produced the highest the highest grain yield respectively, sardari(the check cultivar) produced 1485 kgha^-1 of grain yield. Result of stability analysis on grain yield using parametric method of C.V.% and Lin and Binns, and non-parametric method of rank, showed that genotypes No. 4(Azar 2) No. 16(Sardari) and No. 10(Sbn/1-64-199) were the most stable genotypes. Overall based on the mean of grain yield, stability parameters and diseases results, genotype No. 10(Sbn/ 1-64-199) was found to be the highest yielding, most stable and resistant to yellow rust genotype, therefore it was selected as a desirable genotype.
