Study Of Organogenesis In Golden Delicious Apple Trees



Formation of reproductive buds, time of flower induction, morphological 0" differentiation and development of the inflorescence and organogenesis of buds in Golden delicious apple trees were studied in the climatic conditions of Khalat Poushan Research Station Tabriz University in East Azarbayejan province. About 50 to 60 spur buds were collected from late June 1993 to mid April 1994 every 10 days. Bud scales and bract primordia were eliminated and then buds were fixed in FAA fixative. After the stages of dehydration and parafin in filteration, embedding, microscopic sections of buds were made stained and studied by the microscope. Results of investigation and study of microscopic sections showed that flower induction in bud meristems occurred during mid July to early August, and first morphological development was observed in induced meristems in mid August. Subsequently organogenesis occurred in terminal bud flower of florescence. Sepal primordia was formed in late August, petal primordia in early September, and eventually stamen primordia developed in mid September. The organs developed gradually. The carpel primordia of the terminal flower was formed late in winter (March). Organogenesis stages in lateral flowers of inflorescence occurred few days after formation of later than terminal flower. Final development of these organs accrued rapidly in early spring and a complete inflorescence was observed in mid April.
