Registration Of Sesame (Sesamum Indictim) Cultivar, Oltan



The cultivar was selected first based on individual plant selection from Moghan's landrace population at Agricultural Research Center of Moghan in 1982. Single plant selection from the population, evaluation of the single plants and yield trial of the selected lines were carried out for four years. Seventy seven lines were selected and tested in two cosecutive preliminary yield trials which following that the number of the lines were reduced to 25 and 12, respectively. Regional and National yield trials were conducted at Moghan and Karaj, Sari and Moghan, respectively for three years each. Line no. 11 with average yield of 1377 kgha-1 produced the highest yield. Stability analysis on yield indicated the stability of the line. This line showed better performance than the local check in verificational trial in Moghan region in 1992. Field studies showed that this line is tolerant to damping-off disease. Written report of the line was approved in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization meeting No. 458 in 1999, and Oltan name was accepted for it.