Effect Of Fertilizer Placement On Wiieat Yield In Dryland



The presesnt study was conducted for 3 years in Maragheh Agricultural Research Station to determine the effect of fertilizer placement in different depths of soil on wheat grain yield in dryland. For this purpose a modified cereal drill for dryland condition, Kesht Gostar, was selected and used to find out the effect of separating seed and fertilizer on wheat yield. This trial was carried out by 7 methods of fertilizer application in a Randomized Complete Block Design with 4 replications. According to the results, placement of fertilizer 9 cm below the seed gave significantly higher yield (1.9 tha-1) as compared with 1.3 tha-1 of the check, where seeds and fertiiizer were placed together. Also number of spike per square meter at fertilizer placement of 9 cm below seed was more than others, and correlation between number of spike and grain yield was significant (r= 0.76), low output of mixture application of seed and fertillizer, might be due to low moisture contents in the seed bed, where high osmotic pressure effect could damage seeds germination.
