Study of Pomegranate Cultivars Response to Population Density of Tenuipalpus punicae P. & B. in Saveh Region


Responses of ten pomegranate cultivars Malas Torsh Saveh, Malas Shirin Saveh, Agha Mohammad Ali Shirin, Alk Torsh Saveh, Alk Shirin Saveh, Poost Sefid Shirin, Poost Sefid Torsh, Poost Siyah Shirin, Tabestani Torsh Saveh and Poost Sefid Bihasteh Shomal to population density of Tenuipalpus punicae were evaluated during 2001-2002 in Saveh region. A Randomized Complete block design in three replications was used for analysing the data collected from forthnightly sampling of mites onset from mid. May up to mid. November. Maximum number of mites on both sides of leaves was recorded 67.66 and 24.33 at the middle and end of August on Poost Sefid Shirin cultivar during two years of sampling, respectively. Maximum (13.47) and minimum (0.4) mites densities were recorded on Poost Sefid Shirin and Malas Torsh cultivars in the first year and rather similar densities in the second year determined them as susceptible and resistance cultivars to the mite density respectively, but in general no significant difference was observed among the cultivars with population density of mite. Analysis of data from eleven sampling intervals indicated only peak of mite population during September which can be related to the high temperature occurred during this period. Population of mite was highly affected by color and taste of pomegranate cultivars. Cultivar Poost Sefid and local cultivars with white color and sweet taste attracted higher populations of mite. Maximum mite-days (225 days) was also observed on Poost sefid Torsh cultivar. These findings indicate that white colored pomegranate cultivars accepting higher populations of mites and longer time of activity, seems to be more sensitive to the mite.
