Introduction and Description of Major Characteristics of Non-irrigated Grape Cultivars Grown in Kurdistan



 The local grape cultivars of Kurdistan province were studied From 1993 to 1995 and 1997 to 2001. In different stages of plant growth such as bud break, fruit maturity, fruit harvesting and rest of grapevines, about 100 characters on different parts of plant were recorded using IBPGR (International Board for Plant Genetic Resources) descriptor. As a result, 59 cultivars were identified, 17 cvs. were grown in non-irrigated condition. All non-irrigated grapes grown in Kurdistsn were seeded grape, color of berries were black blue (7 cvs.), red (6 cvs.) and white (4 cvs.). Sex of flower in all cultivars was hermaphrodite except in Dovreevy cv. that flower was female with descending stamens. Minimum leaf area (57cm2) and maximum leaf area (147cm2) were belong to Khoshnav and Jabbali cultivars, respectively.Total soluable solide (TSS) was variable, from 16/5% in Sharbager cv. to 23.0% in Sahani cv. According to cluster analysis, similarity level of Khoshnave and Siavah cultivars was 80%. This results support a theory that Khoshnav and Siavah cultivars are one cultivar. Finally, with regard to desired characteristics, some cultivars such as Sahani and Sarghoolah, due to large berries with attractive color, and Khoshnav and Siavah due to high yielding, large clusters and adaptation to water stress condition, are introduced as superior cvs. for using in grape breeding programs and development of non-irrigated vineyards.  
